Face to Face SEN Training
Our Face to Face SEN training aims to provide an insight and understanding into topic area, with some supportive strategies. These are a small group of up to about 10 people. Delivered by Dr Ze'ev Levita, Clinical Psychologist at West Kirby Educational Trust.
Our Face to face SEN training is aimed at:
- Early Careers Teachers
- Interested school staff and professionals.
Refreshments provided. All training is free as part of our aim to develop positive working partnerships through sharing good practice to support our children and young people with SEND.
Spring term upcoming training dates
Spring term focus: Understanding & managing behaviour in the classroom
These webinars aim to:
- Explore the key characteristics of the area of diagnosis - Autism, ADHD, Childhood Attachment & Trauma
- How this impacts behaviour
- How we can support & manage behaviour for positive outcomes
- Each webinar will focus strategies and advice specific to the area of diagnosis
How to attend?
Please complete our Face to Face Training registration form
Any enquiries to communitytraining@wkrs.co.uk. Contact: Rachel Kelleher, Communications