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New Primary reading room and library opens

We're very excited to have opened a new welcoming library and literary themed reading area for our Primary department

Promoting an interest and love of reading starts in Primary. Our new library and reading areas are welcoming spaces to come and read. It's been really well received by our pupils - the carriage reading seats on Hogwarts Express are a favourite!

Reading corridor linking to the library


Roald Dahl theme
Pupils on the Hogwarts reading train
Literary themed reading corridor - Iron Man, Harry Potter and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory


Carriage seats in the reading corridor


Bookspine stairway to the library
Cosy reading corner
Library with key books for a range of Primary reading levels
Welcoming Primary library






West Kirby School and College, Meols Drive, West Kirby, Wirral, CH48 5DH

0151 632 3201