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We are a Tourette's Friendly School

In a first for us, we have been awarded the T.I.C. (Tourette's Inclusion in the Community) Friendly Schools Accreditation.

The award recognises our dedication to nurturing and promoting inclusivity for every student. Here at West Kirby School and College we believe there should be no barriers to our pupils reaching their full potential, so we strive to ensure everyone feels confident, safe and respected.

Tourette's Syndrome (TS) is a lifelong, hereditary neurological condition characterised by tics which are involuntary sounds and movements. The condition is estimated to affect 1 in every 100 school children. 

Mrs Dooley, Accreditation Lead, said, “Tourettes is such a misunderstood condition. It is great to see our school’s understanding of Tourrette’s recognised. We are absolutely thrilled to receive this award”.

The award feedback highlighted our whole school Tourette’s training and activities to raise awareness of Tourette’s around school through assemblies and informational videos; alongside our Tourette’s SENsitive classrooms webinar as part of our community training aimed at local schools and professionals. Mrs Dooley has been a key part in developing Tourette’s awareness and understanding in our school and the achievement of this accreditation.

We are so proud to have been awarded this milestone, which also demonstrates 3 of our school values, ‘Be kind’, ‘Be respectful', and 'Be nurturing’. 

West Kirby School and College, Meols Drive, West Kirby, Wirral, CH48 5DH

0151 632 3201