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Careers Education Information and Guidance (CEIAG) at West Kirby School

Our aim is to deliver a comprehensive Careers Curriculum to the pupils at West Kirby School and College, which is based on the Gatsby Benchmarks. Careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) is available to all students from Year 7 through to Year 14.

Helen Shallcross is the Career Pathways Officer for West Kirby School and College. In addition to this, we work with independent career advisor Ruth Evans, Career Connect, who offers impartial independent careers advice and guidance. This is in addition to any careers support offered to our pupils by their own local authorities.

As a school keen to further develop its STEM curriculum, we also comply with the 'Baker's Clause'. This means we ensure that a range of education and training providers have access to meet our pupils. These opportunities take place during our Transition Evening and school visits. We want our pupils to feel supported, informed and confident in making future choices.

Career Education Information Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) is regarded as an integral part of the holistic development of students at West Kirby School and College.  We believe in educating individual pupils of all abilities, each to a maximum of his/her potential, so that every pupil can enjoy an independent life and contribute responsibly and fully to the life of the community.

 Helen Shallcross, Career Pathways Officer






Ruth Evans, Career Connect Adviser

Support and guidance is embedded throughout the school and all staff see it as their responsibility to motivate and inspire our pupils. Our CEIAG is designed to empower our students to achieve life-long success by gaining the right qualifications for the future with relevant transferable skills. 


Our Career Policy, Entitlement Statement & Providers Access Policy, please click here

For further information on careers, education, information and guidance

Careers (CEIAG) at West Kirby School and College aims to:

Follow a tailor-made individual careers programme which will enable them to be able to: 

  • Recognise how education, training and employment will support their transition from West Kirby School and College
  • Developing the skills needed for employment and living independently
  • Recognise their strengths and difficulties and how this can support their future choices
  • Describe the world of work and living independently in the future
  • Develop the skills they need to plan and manage their own personal development and career progression
  • Access relevant information and learning from taster activities and experience workplace environments to make informed decisions on their future
  • Make and maintain individual progression plans to help them improve their prospects of success
  • Offer feedback and ideas on how to improve our careers programme
  • Access to a Career Connect, Careers Advisor every academic year.

To be provided with careers guidance that is:

  • Impartial, confidential and flexible
  • Focused on individual needs and fit for purpose
  • Supportive of equal opportunities and protected characteristics
  • Delivered by appropriately trained and experienced people
  • Available at times that fit in with the curriculum in school

What parents and carers can expect:

  • To discuss their children’s progress and future prospects
  • Be realistic and allow their children to follow their own aspirations
  • They are welcome to be part of the input into their children’s career discussions and can make contact with the Career Pathways Officer throughout the school year
  • Offer feedback and ideas on how to improve the careers programme
  • Receive invitations to take part in transition, careers and information events, thereby contributing to the careers programme within the school

WKS School CEIAG programme

Our CEIAG programme aims to deliver a wide range of activities and information that fully prepares our students for their independence and future careers. It aims to inspire, raise aspirations and challenge students’ perceptions about a broad range of possible future pathways, and provide them with all the information they will need when leaving school. 

The key aims of the programme are:

  • To deliver personalised, impartial careers advice to all students so they can make informed decisions about their futures
  • To develop links with local employers, ex-students and external agencies, to help inform students of possible career and training options
  • To develop the life skills and behaviours students will need for working and being independent in modern Britain
  • To continually analyse the impact of our CEIAG programme and to develop the programme in line with current guidelines
  • Throughout their time at West Kirby School our pupils will engage in a range of activities and have access to information that helps them make informed choices about their future

This will be done by:

  • Weekly career sessions as part of the curriculum from 
  • 1:1 CEAIG sessions with the Careers Pathways Officer 
  • Weekly access to careers drop in session
  • Access to 1:1 CEAIG sessions Career Connect Careers Advisor each academic year
  • Advice and guidance on apprenticeship and technical education
  • Visits and taster sessions to other schools, colleges and universities
  • Hosting events, such as Transition Evening and Career Fair
  • Application support for colleges, apprenticeships, employment opportunities and universities.
  • Preparing and building CVs
  • Job application form training and assistance
  • Interview preparation with mock interviews
  • Provide and receive local labour market information
  • Assisting with steps to independence, such as travel training, money matters

Through the continuous networking of a dedicated teaching and support team, pupils at West Kirby School and College enjoy excellent links with employers and advice, guidance and support to access higher and further education, training and employment routes.

For further information on careers, education, information and guidance, please contact the school on 0151 632 3201 or email Helen Shallcross (Career Pathways Officer)

West Kirby School and College, Meols Drive, West Kirby, Wirral, CH48 5DH

0151 632 3201