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Leadership Team

Meet our Senior Leadership Team

Mr Hicks


Mr Smith

Deputy Headteacher

(Behaviour, Attitudes & Attendance)

 Mrs Wilkinson

Deputy Headteacher 

(Personal Development, Safeguarding) 

Mr Flanagan

Deputy Headteacher 

(Quality of Education) 

Mr Hulme

Assistant Headteacher

(Head of Post 16) 










Mrs J. Jones




Meet our Middle Leadership Team 

The Education Team Leaders (ETLs) are part of the curriculum leadership team. The ETLs share an unwavering passion for teaching and learning at West Kirby School and College. They have built strong curriculum teams that focus on delivering, ensuring the best possible outcomes for the pupils.

As the 'middle leadership team', they are the ‘engine room’ of the school. The team meet weekly to moderate all aspects of teaching and learning at West Kirby School and College to ensure parity and progression in each curriculum area and feed back to SLT. They support with the Continuing Professional Development of the Teachers and TAs and create a progressive culture and promote positive relationships.  The breadth of knowledge and experience of the ETLs ensure a culture of high staff professionalism at West Kirby School and College.

Mr Flanagan
Deputy Head (Quality of Education)
Head of Primary


Mrs S. Wilkinson
Deputy Head, SENDCo


Mr S. Hulme
Assistant Head, Head of Post 16


Mr Musgrave
Personal Development Lead

Mrs Davies
Art Lead
Mr Cox
Behaviour & Attitudes Lead


Mrs Eccles
Primary School Development Plan Lead


Support Services Management Team

Our Support Services are an intrinsic part to pupils' education at West Kirby School and College; integrated across the school and Residential Care provision, this provides valuable support to enable our pupils' learning, development and success. 

Occupational Therapy team - Their aim is to support our pupils' sensory needs, emotional regulation and improve functioning in order to promote independence and enable our young people to access effective learning.    

Pastoral Care team - Mr John Davies is our Pastoral Care Manager. Pastoral Care is the provision the school makes to ensure the physical and emotional welfare of your child.

PCT say "We are proud to be part of a team providing successful Pastoral Care across the school; this means that your child is safe, happy, involved and able to perform to their potential. That they are integrating well with other pupils, developing resilience, physical and emotional well- being and that any issues are spotted and extra support can be put into place during these times. We are proud to play our part in the success stories the school is able to reflect upon and recognise that as a team ‘united we are stronger’"

Speech and Language Therapy Team also known as ‘SaLT.

Our SaLT team provide detailed assessment and therapy interventions and target the development of: speech, language, communication, social skills, and emotional literacy skills.

SALT say "We are a team of Therapists, proud to be part of the in-house therapeutic services at WKS!  Our aim is to provide our pupils’ with clinically-effective specialist Speech and Language Therapy. We believe that everyone has the right to communicate! Every pupil at WKS has access to our Speech and Language Therapy provision. This helps our pupils to access the curriculum in a meaningful way, and achieve the very best outcomes."

Interested in finding out more? Please get in touch.


Operations Management Team

The Operations Management Team supports the school to strive for and achieve operational excellence in key areas such as Finance, Marketing, Premises, and Health & Safety. The team comprises of professionals in their chosen specialist areas of business support and administration, who all share a passion to enable the school to deliver the best educational and life outcomes for the pupils of West Kirby School and College.

As the team who works behind the scenes to support the delivery of high quality education and care, the Operations Management Team collectively ensures our premises are welcoming and fit for purpose, our school is safe, our funds are well managed and spent wisely, and our message gets across clearly; supporting our mission to ‘Change Children’s Lives’.

Mrs. L Bott

Finance Manager

Mrs. R Kelleher

Marketing & Communications Manager


 Mr. M Hall

Head of Premises & Compliance 

Mr. D Mather

Head of I.T.


West Kirby School and College, Meols Drive, West Kirby, Wirral, CH48 5DH

0151 632 3201