School awarded Artsmark Gold!
We're pleased to announce that West Kirby School have been awarded Artsmark Gold Award!
Artsmark is Arts Council England's award for schools and education settings that champion cultural education. It celebrates settings that embrace the arts across the curriculum, bringing them to life for children and young people.
Arts Lead Mrs Davies and the team, not only integrate art and culture across the curriculum, but have developed a series of enrichment days and activities across the school. West Kirby School has excellent partnership working through a wide array of providers, including: external arts specialists who have run workshops introducing pupils to new techniques, processes, approaches and therefore broadening the way that pupils are able work; local music groups, LIPA and local theatres"
Feedback given was "West Kirby Residential School have used Artsmark as a way to reflect on and reintegrate a refreshed arts provision. You offer a range of arts opportunities on offer which are driven both by learning needs and the wellbeing of learners'.
Our pupils are already looking forward to 'The Big Draw' festival day in October!